Meet the Board

2023-2024 Leadership


Nicole Domingo

Class of 2024 | Sociology | she/her

  • I am fortunate enough to have been involved with Stanford's ACLU chapter since my freshman year. I can confidently say that, through this club, I have met some of the most dedicated and inspiring people. Members are deeply passionate about civil liberties and through sharing their life experiences, I have constantly learned how their communities have been impacted, along with the work that needs to get done. Despite being a newer club, Stanford ACLU has fostered a positive and supportive community that has had an impact on and off campus. I am so lucky to be a part of this special club and can't wait for the year to come!

Serena Zhou

Class of 2024 | Philosophy | she/her

  • I love Stanford ACLU because it is a vibrant, loving, and welcoming community of individuals who are passionate about civil rights and civil liberties. The club has not only helped me feel that activism and advocacy are sustainable, but it has also allowed me to form deep and genuine friendships with like-minded peers.

Podcast Host

Catherine Titzer

Podcast Producer

  • Stanford ACLU has given me a community of advocates and activists who empower me to fight for social justice! I immediately felt welcomed when I joined Stanford ACLU, and I loved forming connections with people over issues I'm passionate about. For example, without ACLU, I likely would not have met Elsa, but now we are good friends and are producing a podcast together! That's so cool!! Further, I appreciate the breadth of viewpoints in the ACLU and being able to learn about current events from the perspectives of those around me. Being in Stanford ACLU has made Stanford's campus smaller and introduced me to an inspiring community of people dedicated to making a change.

Class of 2026|Undeclared|she/her

Elsa McElhinney

Class of 2026|Undeclared|she/her

  • I knew I wanted to join the ACLU as soon as I found out about the podcast, Civil Libertrees. I’ve been a longtime listener of several legal and social justice-focused podcasts, and I’ve always been interested in learning more about what it takes to create one. Podcasts can be a powerful and accessible resource to help educate people and promote social progress, so creating one with the ACLU has allowed me to engage in thought-provoking conversations while working to spark change on our campus and beyond. While the podcast was the reason I originally joined the ACLU, the community is why I keep coming back. I’ve met so many kind, passionate, and inspiring people through this club, and I look forward to seeing everyone at meetings each week.

Diego Maglione

  • I love Stanford ACLU because it is filled with people who are passionate about fighting for universal rights and have taught me actionable ways in which I can do so. The people here are very approachable and friendly and so knowledgeable in how the law works and who it works for. Everyone also has a great sense of humor.

Class of 2025|Physics & Art Practice|he/him

Zoe Tweedie

  • I love Stanford ACLU because it has given me a willing community that helps me jumpstart the projects on campus I want to pursue. It is a super collaborative community where everyone’s opinions are valued and where so many different perspectives intersect. It is a great place to meet people who have the same passions as you! I love every moment I spend with my project group and even more, those moments spent after meetings just laughing about our lives, our projects, and what is going on around campus. ACLU gives me purpose every day and is a great place to put my energy into.

Class of 2025|Economics|she/her

Gabriel Frank-McPheter

Undergraduate Law Review Co-Editor-in-Chief

  • I love ACLU because of its unique culture as an advocacy organization. It’s not just a government club, or an activist club, it’s an advocacy club. That means it’s committed to making real world, tangible change, but in a way that’s feasible and outside the scope of just the Stanford campus. Whether it’s bringing in real lawyers to learn about the first amendment, or going to a state conference to lobby legislators, ACLU fosters a family committed to social justice and changing the world, one step at a time.

Class of 2026|Urban Studies & Political Science|he/they

Hailey Rochin

Class of 2024|Political Science|she/her

  • In many academic settings, and especially at elite institutions like Stanford, it can be very easy to have discussions about civil liberties entirely divorced from the humanity and lived experience of the people these conversations are actually about. At Stanford ACLU however, I’ve found that we talk about these issues in the context of our own student community, but also as they arise in the communities we come from. Here, we’ve created a welcoming, inclusive learning space that I’m proud to be a part of.


Claudia Sung

Class of 2026|History & Asian American Studies|she/her

  • I joined Stanford ACLU to be part of a community that is passionate about engaging in and advancing civil liberties. Despite Stanford's position as an elite institution, I found that much of the discussions and work being done here didn't highlight the voices of those most impacted. Stanford ACLU serves as a place to explore these issues in a way that uplifts diverse human experiences and voices.

Financial Officer

Class of 2026|Chemistry|she/her

Victoria Tuffour

  • I love the community that Stanford ACLU has built. It’s so warm and welcoming, and I enjoy working with everyone. I especially love the social justice group, as I feel like we have a very tight group, and we also have lots of fun!

Helen Tian

  • Hands-down, my favorite part of Stanford ACLU is the community — people here are always ready to welcome new faces, excited to work on projects, and ready to talk about whatever social justice issues anyone may have questions about. I’m so grateful that I found this group middle of my sophomore year. In just two quarters I’ve made wonderful friends and have loved my time here so much that I wanted to officially commit more time to ACLU through working with marketing. Whether we’re munching on jolly ranchers on a Wednesday night in the Haas center after our meetings, exploring Sacramento during the ACLU conference, or simply waving hello at the quad, I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to know the people here!

Class of 2025|Psychology|she/her

Lora Vachovska

  • Stanford ACLU is so special to me because it was the first place at Stanford where I came out of my shell and felt like I was a part of something. I wouldn't have guessed, in frosh fall, that I would have a leadership role in the club less than a year later. Now, as a junior, I am so excited to continue working alongside people that I have genuinely come to see as my friends. The Stanford ACLU club drew me in because of it's commitment to ceaselessly fighting for human rights and liberties, but I stayed because of the people I met and the things I got to do to help make this world a little more livable.

Class of 2025|Psychology|any/all

Fabián Valerio

  • ACLU’s always been a space filled with joy and passion that keeps me coming back! Through the years, I’ve learned about what it really means to do activist work while building community with the future leaders of this work. After being with ACLU from the beginning, I’m looking forward to seeing the rising members blossom with this special club.

Class of 2024|Communications|he/him

Rithika Kacham

  • I joined the ACLU to participate in issues related to civil liberties and social justice, working alongside fellow advocates to tackle these important issues. Being part of the ACLU has not only enabled me to establish significant bonds with individuals who share similar values, but it has also connected me with a constant flow of new peers who provide priceless chances for learning and growth. Furthermore, my engagement with the ACLU has granted me the honor of attending talks by notable individuals from diverse backgrounds, including standout personalities like Emerson Sykes, a First Amendment attorney affiliated with the ACLU.

Class of 2025|Product Design|she/her